
SiC4GRID will publish several deliverables in the course of the projects. All deliverables are listed below. To learn more on a deliverable click on it.

Public deliverable will be available for download on this page.

WP1: SiC-based converter: Specifications and requirements

D1.1 Specifications and requirements of the project

D1.1 will summarise all the specifications, requirements and key performance indicators for the SiC-based module and converters as a common basis for all the individual technologies developed and produced in the project, including the technology preparation parameters, the adapted test and validation programme.

D1.2 Definition of the use cases and their applications

D1.2 will summarise all realistic use cases and their application scenarios that will be used as a common basis for defining the demonstration and the digital twin, developing the test plan scenarios and demonstrating the proposed SiC-based module at different scales (SiC-based module and converter, complete system).

WP2: Design optimisation of SiC-based modules and Digital Twin modelling

D2.1 Design optimisation of the SiC converter:

This deliverable will aim at optimising the SiC-based modules for longer lifetime and reliability towards integration in full converter applications.

D2.2 High-fidelity modelling of the SiC power modules:

In this deliverable, the developed modular elements on ageing, EMI model will be combined to represent behavioral model of SiC power modules. The EMI model will be based on switching digital twin aiming at < 5 % error and ageing model will be based on both dynamic and static digital twin models.

D2.3 Architecture design for converter applications

D2.3 will report on the design optimisation and performance evaluation of the selected PE system architecture for defined converter applications.

WP3: SiC semiconductor devices design and prototyping incl. smart gate driver

D3.1 Innovative Gen I SiC wafers

This deliverable will consist on the first generation of SiC wafers to be assembled in the complete prototype for testing at PWC.

D3.2 Energy and cost-efficient MOSFETS and LinPaks

D3.1 will release innovative MOSFETs and LinPaks developed to host the first generation of SiC wafers and be tested in PWC.

D3.3 Smart gate drivers

Programmable current source to optimize the switching of the SiC MOSFET with fast short-circuit response to protect the device in the case of a fault. The gate driver will measure and report the temperature of the module.

D3.4 Gen II SiC power modules & wafers

D3.2 will release the second generation of SiC-based wafers integrated in an innovative power module to be tested and compared to the first generation SiC-based wafers and power module.

D3.5 Report on Gen I/Gen II innovations performances

This deliverable will report on the comparison of the first and second generation of innovative SiC-based power module including techno-economic and environmental performance, reliability, commercialisation potential, etc.

WP4: System-level integration incl. self-healing EMS, smart control board and reliability tools

D4.1 Full-scale SiC MMC

Fully integrated innovative SiC-based MMC including first generation wafers, power module and reduced size gate drivers, ready for testing in PWC facilities.

D4.2 Potential for hardware/software coupling in PE

This deliverable will conclude on the comprehensive SiC-based power module tested in PWC, in particular regarding the coupling of hardware and software innovations. It will include recommendations for commercial viability of a comprehensive solution for full-scale power electronics technologies.

WP5: Demonstration and Digital Twin validation on 3 MVDC use cases

D5.1 Digital twin for full SiC-based converter

This delivery is based on the developed full digital twin of the SiC-based power converter including the final selected power converter architecture, passive components and its parasite elements. The developed models at module level will be aggregated to represent behavioral characteristics of a full SiC-based power converter.

D5.2 Feasibility and application of HVDC/MVDC SiC in onshore and offshore use cases

D5.2 will report on the mission-profile based analysis of the three defined HVDC/MVDC SiC onshore and offshore use cases incl. feasibility, applicability and reliability assessment.

D5.3 Optimised SiC-based converter prototype

Final deliverable of the innovative SiC4GRID physical-digital-IoT SiC-based converter for on-shore, off-shore wind and PV applications.

WP6: Techno-economic and environmental assessment, IPR and after project

D6.1 Techno-economic assessment

This deliverable will include techno-economic feasibility of the technology depending on the 3 different use case applications.

D6.2 Circularity-by-design for SiC-based technology

In this deliverable, circularity performance (resource efficiency gains) and environmental sustainability (life cycle environmental impact savings) of SiC4GRID technology solutions will be compared to the benchmark product systems, including eco-design guidelines for SiC4GRID industrial applications.

D6.3 IPR Strategy plan

This deliverable will summarise all intellectual property involved in the project, defining ownership and exploitation strategy for further uptake at higher TRLs and full-scale applications.

D6.4 Roadmap towards higher TRL

This deliverable will focus on building a roadmap to succeed higher TRL of the main technological outputs. This roadmap will include a replicability strategy in different than SIC4GRID’s settings (i.e. use cases, conditions, fields) and a proposed sustainability actions plan to be followed beyond the end of the project.

WP7: Communication, dissemination and networking activities

D7.1 Exploitation and dissemination plan

D7.1 details the exploitation, dissemination and communication activities forecasted to ensure a definition of the relevant target groups and linked activities for proper uptake.

D7.2 Collaboration strategy with external stakeholders

This deliverable describes the engagement strategy and initial results for the AB and targeted projects/communities.

D7.3 Project booklet

The project booklet will be aimed at all external stakeholders to advertise the SiC4GRID technology development, promote its benefits, characteristics and so on. It will be available at the end of the project to help on the after life of the project and sustaining the communication around the project results.

WP8: Technical coordination and project management

D8.1 Project Handbook

The project handbook includes all the tools necessary for a smooth management and internal communication within the project: partners budget and activities advancement files, etc.

D8.2 Data Management Plan

Data Management Plan of the project including plan for open access of research data. Report describing the data management lifecycle for all datasets which are collected, processed or generated within the project.

D8.3 Project Management Plan

Detailed Project Management Plan with a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

D8.4 First revision of the Project Management Plan

First revision of the detailed Project Management Plan in line with the end of the first revision period.

D8.5 Second revision of the Project Management Plan

Second revision of the detailed Project Management Plan in line with the second reporting period.